Women most often talk about following acts:
- Withdrawing your money
- Limiting you the access to family money
- Destroying common property
- Destroying your personal belongings and your property
- Taking total control over family matters and decision-making in the family
- Shifting his responsibilities and duties to you
- Refusing to work, caring for the family
- Requesting your obedience
- Forcing you to do things you do not want
- Behaving as you were his slave, domestic worker
- Persuading you that you are a bad wife
- Persuading you that you are a bad mother
- Using children against you
- Threatening to take your children away or harm them
- Using psychological, physical or sexual violence against children
- Using children to transfer messages to you
- Not allowing you to work
- Keeping you from seeing your friends or relatives
- Prohibiting you to have telephone conversations
- Not allowing you to leave the house
- Locking you in the house
- Screaming at you
- Insulting
- Insulting the people you love, your family and friends
- Calling names
- Criticism and ridicule of your feelings, opinions, beliefs
- Disregarding and neglecting your opinion
- Disregarding and neglecting your wishes (regarding money, sex, leisure, home, family...)
- Deliberately causing feelings of guilt
- Persuading you that you are mad or that there is something wrong with you
- Inducing feelings of fear
- Kicking in doors and boxing in the wall, overturning furniture
- Threatening to do something if you leave (hurt you, himself or someone else)
- Pressing you against the wall
- Standing and sitting on you
- Violently lifting you/your children from the ground or carrying you/your children around
- Banning or disabling you the use of a car
- Causing fear by driving car dangerously, in spite of your warnings
- Forcing you to do things that you find humiliating (kneeling, being forced to beg him for money)
- Hitting with hand
- Hitting with objects
- Hitting different objects (cupboard, wall…)
- Kicking
- Pulling hair
- Throwing objects at you
- Choking
- Pushing
- Spitting
- Twisting your arms
- Chasing
- Threatening with weapons
- Threats to beat you, kill you, or destroy you mentally
- Justifying his violent behaviour as if it was committed by accident
- Justifying his violent behaviour by having been drunk, under stress...
- Clarifying that he was violent, because you've said or done something that you should not have done/said
- Persuading you it’s your fault
- Persuading you that he is violent because he loves you
- Persuading you that he will improve his behaviour
- Excessive jealousy with constant accusations that you cheat him, flirt with others...
- Denying having committed violence (sexual, psychological, physical ...) against you or anyone else
- Severely criticizing your past relationships
- Insulting you with terms like slut, whore...
- Humiliating and criticizing your sexuality and your body
- Touching your body when you do not want him to
- Insisting on taking your clothes off when you do not want to
- Touching your body in a way that you do not want to
- Forcing you to sexual activity that you do not want (for example, oral sex, anal intercourse, watching pornographic movies and magazines, imitating pornographic movies)
- Forcing you into sex
- Despising and disregarding your feelings in relation to sexuality
- Having sexual relations with other women although you have agreed not to have them
- Persuading you that you're bad at sex and making such comments
- Persuading you that sexual intercourse is his right, regardless of whether you want it or not
- Requirements that you dress differently (more sexually or less sexual)
- Forcing you to have sex with someone else
- Forcing you to watch sexual intercourse of someone else
- Forcing you to use sexual poses that you do not want
- Stalking
- Manipulating with lies
- Claiming that you lie
- Punishing you