Orodje za dostopnost
Izjave znanih osebnosti v kampanji #samoJApomeniJA v okviru mednarodnih dni akcij za odpravo nasilja nad ženskami.
25. 11. 2019: Andreja Katič, ministrica za pravosodje | |
26. 11. 2019: Anita Bašanović, vlogerka | |
27. 11. 2019: Katarina Bervar Sternad, Pravno-informacijski center nevladnih organizacij | |
28. 11. 2019: Lado Bizovičar, igralec in televizijski voditelj | |
29. 11. 2019: Nika Kovač, Inštitut 8. marec | |
30. 11. 2019: Vesna Leskošek, profesorica na Fakulteti za socialno delo | |
1. 12. 2019: Sonja Lokar, Ženski lobi Slovenije | |
2. 12. 2019: Metka Naglič, Amnesty International Slovenija | |
3. 12. 2019: Boštjan Nipič - Nipke, raper | |
4. 12. 2019: Peter Poles, televizijski voditelj | |
5. 12. 2019: Katjuša Popović, Društvo Ključ - center za boj proti trgovini z ljudmi | |
6. 12. 2019: dr. Dominika Švarc, državna sekretarka na Ministrstvu za pravosodje | |
7. 12. 2019: Špela Veselič, Društvo SOS telefon za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja | |
8. 12. 2019: Katja Zabukovec Kerin, Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo | |
9. 12. 2019: dr. Darja Zaviršek, profesorica na Fakulteti za socialno del | |
Victims of violence often need help with legal and formal procedures. Therefore, our legal counsellor helps them with different procedures.
A group meet once every three weeks for two hours. It is guided by a counsellor. It offers a safe space to share experience and offer and receive support among women.
For victims of violence who are in counselling process at the Association, we organize different workshops. At some, we discuss subjects like emotions, self-confidence and others or we organize creative workshops to relax and socialize.
Once a year we start a group for assertiveness training. We meet once a fortnight for 3 hours. Training is a combination of workshop and lecture. All participants are encouraged to take an active role and discuss the subjects. The group meets for 10 months. It is aimed at victims of violence who are in counselling process at the Association.
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